Welcome to Your Specialty Pharmacy

We look forward to working with you to ensure your patients receive the best possible care.

How to send a prescription

You can send your patient’s prescription to us in five ways:

  • ePrescribe (via EMR)
  • ePrescribe (via MyAccredoPatients)
  • Electronic Referral
  • Fax
  • Phone


You can use ePrescribing to increase the speed and accuracy of sending us a prescription, and at the same time, reduce the wasted paper and extra steps of using a fax. Please route all ePrescriptions to the electronic directory listed below and we will get them to the right team for dispensing.

1620 Century Center Parkway
Memphis, TN 38134
NCPDP ID: 4436920

Be sure your ePrescribing directory is set up with this Accredo listing for ALL ePrescriptions submitted to Accredo.

ePrescribe (via MyAccredoPatients)

To ePrescribe using our prescriber website:

  1. Log in or register at MyAccredoPatients.com.
  2. Select “Electronic Referral” icon or navigate to Resources > iAssist
  3. You will be routed to iAssist, Accredo’s electronic referral service1 and be prompted to login or register

Electronic Referral

Send us an Electronic Referral.


Using a referral form PDF, you can complete the form and fax to the number indicated on the referral form.


To submit a prescription by phone, please call 866-759-1557.

  • 1Please note, prescriptions for controlled substances may not be sent via MyAccredoPatients.com or iAssist.
  • 2If state required, please provide prescription for any supplies needed.